Email Consulting, Support & Training

Helping e-commerce businesses unleash their email marketing potential.

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Specializing in Mailchimp & Klaviyo

Overwhelmed by all of the marketing channels you need to juggle? 

From improving SEO rankings, PPC management, scheduling email campaigns, and the never-ending hamster wheel of social media, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. 

The heavy load means you can never give each channel the time and thoughtfulness it needs to make the impact you want. I’ve been there. 

Email marketing is the oldest and most effective digital channel, with an impressive 36:1 ROI.

Read about it here

I’ve seen this impact firsthand and it all starts with a hyper-focused email marketing strategy. 

I’ll help you maximize your email marketing efforts, saving time while increasing effectiveness. 

My simple methods and expert guidance take the guesswork out of email marketing. 

ways to work with me

Personalized Email Strategy Consulting

An expert eye and personalized recommendations to unleash your email marketing potential. 

Inquire About Consulting >

Starts at $1,250/month

*Minimum 3-month contract. An email program audit is strongly recommended. See below for details.

• Two 60-minute strategy sessions a month to map out campaigns and workflows based on goals

• Review and advisement on email layouts, workflows, and suggestions to improve engagement and deliverability

• Monthly analysis of email results and recommendations for improvement 

Your Personalized Email Strategy Could Include:

Personalized Email Strategy Consulting is for you if: 

• You want to work with an experienced email specialist and you have the resources to build and execute your emails

• You are ready to take the next step in your email program to increase email conversion and build stronger customer relationships

Full-Service Email Management 

Done-for-you email marketing services when you’re ready to fully outsource. Customizable based on your needs. 

Inquire About Full-Service >

Starts at $1,600/month

Your Custom Support Could Include:

• Monthly strategy and collaboration calls 

• Email planning, creation, and execution by my team of designers, copywriters, strategists, and me 

• Overseeing deliverability and providing guidance 

• Email analysis and A/B testing 

• Implementation of list growth and engagement strategies 

• Management of your email platform 

See Our Case Studies (coming soon) >

*Minimum 3-month contract. Email audit required. See below for details.

Full-Service Email Management is for you if: 

• You don’t have the internal resources to manage and execute your email program to maximize its potential 

• You need or want to focus on other digital marketing channels that you excel at (your zone of genius) 

My process



First, I’ll get to know you, your email program, brand, vision, and goals. Then I’ll perform a deep-dive email audit to discover what’s currently working and what’s not. 



From list growth and engagement to driving revenue, I’ll create a road map to achieve your goals through your email program and website. 



My team and I will build and execute emails to engage and convert customers. You will review and approve everything before it’s sent to your customers. 



Some of the most important work comes after you hit send. I’ll review what worked and what didn’t in each email, and leverage the findings to inform future emails and refine strategies. 

Email Program Audit

One-Time fee of $1,500
3 - 4 week lead time 

An email program audit provides valuable data to enrich our work together. As a diagnostic tool, it can show where you've been, what worked and what didn’t, and where we should head next to improve engagement with your customers. It's also a helpful tool to determine whether I'm the right partner for you.

Inquire About Audits >

How the email audit works


Catch Me Up

You will complete a questionnaire for me to understand your email program, brand, vision, goals, and audience. 



I’ll focus on deliverability, engagement, list growth, and automated workflows, and low-hanging optimization recommendations. 


Strategy Session

Includes one (1) 90-minute, one-on-one session to discuss audit, recommendations, and goals for monthly consulting moving forward (if applicable).

“One of the few email strategists I can turn to with confidence”

Lauren is one of the few email strategists I can turn to with confidence. In this tumultuous world of email technology and nuance, she has been an angel helping us to navigate it with grace and has been an absolute delight to work with. I highly recommend her and look forward to continuing to work together!

- Kiley Peters, Founder of Brainchild Studios


“Lauren has been instrumental in our growth and success”

Lauren has been instrumental in our growth and online success over the past six years. Working with Lauren has helped us be successful and streamline the process as our in-house team has limited time. Lauren’s entire team provides guidance with well-defined goals, review of metrics against campaign goals, and adjusting tactics as needed based on data. Lauren has been and continues to be a trusted partner of Arrow Sewing.

- Harley Thomas, VP eCommerce Sales
Arrow Sewing 


“RSP has been working with Lauren since 2015. She does a great job”

RSP has been working with Lauren since 2015. She does a great job consulting and coordinating all the resources we need to support our website, e-commerce, PPC, SEO, emails and more! I highly recommend Lauren for companies that aren’t big enough to have all these resources or expertise in-house. 

- Mike Ryan, CEO of RSP and Best Bee Brothers


“We are confident Lauren and her team are key to our success”

Highly recommended — working with Lauren has allowed us to focus on our marketing targets and not get lost in the interconnections of all the players required to support our brand. Perfect balance of support, execution and exploration. Highly organized and fantastic communication. We are confident Lauren and her team are key to our success.

~ Scott - Operations Manager - Best Bee Brothers


“Lauren continues to help us grow our email strategy”

Lauren has managed the Kesslers Diamonds email program for more than five years. She is easy to work with, does an excellent job in communicating with our digital marketing team and is always punctual with analytics.
- Jim Bretzel, Director of Brand Management Kesslers Diamonds


See What My Clients Are Saying

Lauren is one of the few email strategists I can turn to with confidence. In this tumultuous world of email technology and nuance, she has been an angel helping us to navigate it with grace and has been an absolute delight to work with. I highly recommend her and look forward to continuing to work together!

- Kiley Peters, Founder of Brainchild Studios

“Lauren has been instrumental in our growth and success”

Lauren has been instrumental in our growth and online success over the past six years. Working with Lauren has helped us be successful and streamline the process as our in-house team has limited time. Lauren’s entire team provides guidance with well-defined goals, review of metrics against campaign goals, and adjusting tactics as needed based on data. Lauren has been and continues to be a trusted partner of Arrow Sewing.

- Harley Thomas, VP eCommerce Sales
Arrow Sewing 

“RSP has been working with Lauren since 2015. She does a great job”

RSP has been working with Lauren since 2015. She does a great job consulting and coordinating all the resources we need to support our website, e-commerce, PPC, SEO, emails and more! I highly recommend Lauren for companies that aren’t big enough to have all these resources or expertise in-house. 

- Mike Ryan, CEO of RSP and Best Bee Brothers

“One of the few email strategists I can turn to with confidence”

“Lauren continues to help us grow our email strategy”

Lauren has managed the Kesslers Diamonds email program for more than five years. She is easy to work with, does an excellent job in communicating with our digital marketing team and is always punctual with analytics.
- Jim Bretzel, Director of Brand Management Kesslers Diamonds

“We are confident Lauren and her team are key to our success”

Highly recommended — working with Lauren has allowed us to focus on our marketing targets and not get lost in the interconnections of all the players required to support our brand. Perfect balance of support, execution and exploration. Highly organized and fantastic communication. We are confident Lauren and her team are key to our success.

~ Scott - Operations Manager - Best Bee Brothers

See What My Clients Are Saying

Frequently Asked Questions

What email platforms do you work in?

What email platforms do you work in?

I focus on Mailchimp and Klaviyo but have worked with many others, including ActiveCampaign, Keap, HubSpot, ConvertKit, and Constant Contact. 

Do you offer additional digital marketing services?

Do you offer additional digital marketing services?

Yes, I offer additional digital marketing services for current email clients. Additional services include blog creation, copywriting, SEO, PPC, affiliate, and social media. I have an extended team to assist me that is managed under the Lauren Jean umbrella. However, my extended team is sometimes unavailable or not the right fit for all my clients. 

What’s the average investment for your services?

What’s the average investment for your services?

Most clients spend anywhere between $1,500 and $4,000 a month. Of course, monthly spending depends on how many emails are being created and add-ons like blogs, PPC, SEO, etc.

What industries do you work with?

What industries do you work with?

I work with small-to-medium-size e-commerce businesses and am open to working for all industries. I have experience with the following: children’s clothing, jewelers, furniture, home & garden, and flooring. 

Is an email audit required to work with you?

Is an email audit required to work with you?

For personalized email consulting, I don’t require an email audit, but I highly recommend it. I require an email audit for full-service email management clients to benefit both parties. 

How do we get started?

How do we get started?

Fill out the Contact Me form and list what kinds of services you are looking for. From there, I will schedule a call if your needs align with what I offer. 

Free Template

Snag My Email Framework

This is the framework I use for every email. It ensures each email aligns with the overall strategy and outlines essential email details, decreasing time spent on the dreaded back-and-forth email review process. 

Ready to Work Together?

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