The Blog

Learn how to transform your company with strategic email marketing.

Hey, I’m Lauren

Self-proclaimed “email geek," I help e-commerce businesses unleash their email marketing potential.

My mission is to humanize email marketing with refreshingly honest education and consulting. And to teach more marketers to love email, too. 

Learn More About Me >

Empower your customers by allowing them to customize their email preference center. We’ll explore the benefits and some examples.

Email Preference Centers: Benefits and Examples

Email Preference Centers: Benefits and Examples

How do we learn more about our customers’ preferences without sending them running in the opposite direction and instead engage them so they’re open to sharing?

Case Study: How Live Polls Increased Click Rate by 53%

Cast Study: How Implementing Live Polls Increased Click Rate by 53%

Free Template

Snag My Email Framework

This is the framework I use for every email. It ensures each email aligns with the overall strategy and outlines essential email details, decreasing time spent on the dreaded back-and-forth email review process. 

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